Shing Lyu

Disclaimer: This content reflects my personal opinions, not those of any organizations I am or have been affiliated with. Code samples are provided for illustration purposes only, use with caution and test thoroughly before deployment.

Check MongoDB index usage statistics

Run this command to get the usage of each index:

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RFC2616 is dead, read RFC723X

While looking for the definition of HTTP Status Codes, I realize that RFC2616 is deprecated. You should look for RFC7231 instead.

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Lessons learned in writing my first book

book cover

You might have noticed that I didn’t update this blog frequently in the past year. It’s not because I’m lazy, but I focused all my creative energy on writing this book: Practical Rust Projects. The book is now available on Apress, Amazon and O’Reilly. In this post, I’ll share some of the lessons I learned in writing this book.

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Update AWS Security Groups with Terraform

In theory, Terraform is capable of figuring out the dependency between AWS resources and make updates in the correct order. However, AWS security groups often become a source of trouble if you don’t understand how Terraform handles it. If you are having issues modifying the security group because they are used by other resources, here are some ways you can mitigate that.

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Moving AWS Service across accounts using Terraform

Recently I was assigned the task to move our REST API hosted on AWS to a new account. The organization I worked for is moving to a one-account-per-team (or a few closely related teams) approach, as opposed to one account shared by all teams. Having one account per team helps reduce the clutter in the accounts because you only see your resources. It also helps the platform/SRE team to control the cost in a more fine-grain manner. Since we have everything in AWS, it also reduces the chance that we hit AWS resource limits.

The service we built is all provisioned using Terraform. They are tested and deployed with Drone CI tool. I’ll discuss key points to considerations when migrating accounts across accounts.

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